We all remember charismatic people. The ones make a mark, impress an impression and leave a lingering memory of their essence. In our “Charisma Booster” workshops and one to one coaching, we show you the science and psychology behind charismatic presence, why people possess it and some don’t, and how you- YES ABSOLUTELY YOU, can start to fire up your charismatic neurons and become much more charismatic with awareness and specialised training/coaching. You’ll learn the secrets of Obama, Steve Jobs, Oprah and Brene Brown- but most importantly you will learn how to be your most charismatic self- that’s authentic and you.
“Charisma is the ability to influence without logic.”
The formula of charismatic people. Because when we break it down, charisma is a science form. We will show you what charisma is and what it isn’t and the inspiring personalities who demonstrate charisma with their behaviour and communication style.
Receive a break down analysis of how many charismatic behaviours you currently possess and how you can improve your natural charisma levels.
Learn how to carry yourself and use your body language, voice and personality to boost your natural charisma. Our communications expert will analyse how you use your body language, gestures, facial expression and your vocal range so you can take them to the next level.
Learn how to use your voice for greater gravitas. Our voice is a critical ingredient to becoming more charismatic and it is critical to know how to use it effectively. We empower you to use your voice so your charisma is enhanced.
Learn the art of making charismatic conversation. Understand how to keep your conversations engaging, interesting and impactful whilst making others feel valued too.
In this three-hour online or live workshop you will learn all the skills you need to become more charismatic communicator. You will learn the secret formula of charismatic people and learn how you can become a more charismatic version of yourself by changing some simple behaviours fast.
In this one day masterclass we work with your staff/teams so you can take your teams charisma to the very next level. Your staff will learn the formula that charismatic people possess and how they can start to incorporate more charismatic behaviours and communication techniques to enhance their natural charisma. Our session is delivered online, at your offices or at our location in London. Attendees are actively involved in developing the practical “charisma” skills in the session……so they go away feeling empowered and equipped with a greater understanding of this magical communication skill.
We also deliver one to one online or live coaching sessions where you get personalised and laser focused attention to develop your personal charisma in line with your natural personality. All of our coaching is focused on delivering results and reaching your goals.